
Authors are requested to submit original work not previously published. We invite the submission of full papers of 12 - 16 pages. Papers must report original, previously unpublished research.

All full paper submissions will be double-blind peer-reviewed by an international panel of experts. The review process will therefore retain the anonymity of authors and reviewers. Accepted papers will be published in Springer CCIS Series - Communications in Computer and Information Science (DHET subsidy-bearing as a journal publication).  High quality papers not accepted for the CCIS series will but published in the SAICSIT 2024 online proceedings.

The program committee consider the following criteria when evaluating papers:

  • originality of contribution
  • relevance to the conference
  • technical/scientific merit
  • presentation and clarity


Accepted full research papers must be presented at the conference by either the main author or one of the co-authors. Authors should ensure the anonymity of their submissions by removing names and affiliations from the first page and elsewhere in the paper, as well as in the name that the paper is saved as.

Authors should please read the Springer Instructions for Authors of Proceedings and Code of Conduct for Book Authors. Paper submission will occur via EasyChair. Submissions should be formatted using the CCIS template and author names and affiliations should be removed from the paper due to the double-blind review process.  The EasyChair submission page can be accessed via the following link:

Students are invited to submit work-in-progress papers (3 – 5 pages) which will be presented at the Masters and Doctoral Student Symposium. These papers should be submitted to the Postgraduate Symposium track on EasyChair. The SAICSIT 2024 organising committee is committed to providing reduced conference fees for students to encourage and grow student participation in the conference.